Sunday, May 1, 2016

4dp6dt IVF #3

I've been testing since 1dpt hoping to test out the HCG, using this lovely wondfo internet cheepies.  I was getting faint positives until today. Stark feeling white. BFFN!  This sucks! I know this didn't work! Ugh 😔 I know you can say it's just too early, but I've been to this BBQ before. I will test again tomorrow, but those 6aa embryos should have implanted by now! Why does this keep happening to us?! This breaks my heart, more for my sons than for me.

I have no symptoms either! I'm missing my bloating symptom, and my bb's still aren't sore! I was super crampy yesterday, but that is typical.

I will test again tomorrow. I just know my body really well too! If it's really a negative, we have ten beautiful embryos being PGS tested. I just prayed however that God would give us ZERO normals, if he wasn't planning of giving us a take home baby. I just want to be done and move on if his answer is no. 😞 This journey is so painful!
From my quiet time, "then he touched their eyes and said 'because of your faith, it will happen.'" Seriously, my faith is so strong, I 1000% believe he can do this, but why is he not? 😢


Lauree and Mike said...

I'm so sad to read this update!! But 10 embryos to PGS will most certainly yield some euploid!!! I've seen it time and time again that "the best two" aren't normal. A LOT of times in fact!! I say you have today still to get a bfp too. Praying for lazy late implanters!!!

Unknown said...

Put the test's DOWN! As you said, internet cheapies.. Know that you have the Lord on your side, and his timing is AWESOME. Repeat after me, "Lord, I give it all to you." Keep repeating it! I thought for sure my 2nd treated cycle was a negative. I tested on a Monday, and it was a BFN, and I was devastated. Like, snot running down my nose all day at work, and I hid behind my long hair hoping no one would notice my swollen eyes. Had my beta that Friday and it was positive, and of course now we know its twins. The Lord has a plan for you my dear.

Lauree and Mike said...

Been thinking of you all day!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

Thanks for the encouragement!!! I think they were lazy... 👌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

OMGosh thank you so much for this! You are so sweet! I have been repeating those words... And I think we might have good news!!!! Praying they both stick!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

You are sooo sweet!!! Thank you!! 😘 I can't wait for you to read my update!

My Vegas said...

Hugs to you, friend.

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