Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Two Months!

Chubby legs...

Rocco Gianni

Maximus Matteo

Maximus and Rocco

 Rocco Gianni

Maximus Matteo

Its been 9 almost 10 weeks and I'm still breastfeeding these lil guys!  I'm starting to get a little stir crazy, however.  I have about an hour window after a feed to either run an errand or go for a jog (yes I started jogging again!). It is near impossible to breastfeed twins any where but home. I'm not about to lug my my breast friend pillow around!  Plus, usually I only have the energy to do one of those PER DAY!  Its a lot of work to feed, change, and put two babies in car seats.  I am trying to find the energy to do that twice a day!  I'm sure once they start sleeping through the night I'll find it, but until then... I'm a home body!

Do any of you twin moms have any tips for going out and about during the day?

The boys two month check up is tomorrow!  I can't wait to find out their weights!  I'm sure Rocco is over 10lbs and Maximus isn't far behind.  I'm pretty sure they both started smiling this week, but I have yet to capture it on camera.  Last night I was taking to Rocco while he was in the bath asking him to smile for mama, and he did!! A nice and big one while looking at me!  We'll see if he does it again today, then I can be sure!  Maximus has also had moments of smiling while looking at me, but when I have him try to do it again, he looks away.  I'll keep trying, I'm dying for their gorgeous smiles :)


Tiffany said...

Wow, they are so cute, and chubby!! That's awesome!

Emby said...

They look a lot alike, don't they? They are super cute. I am impressed that you have already started jogging and that you're getting in an errand every day. I don't have kids yet, but that sounds like a lot to me.

Amanda said...

They are so precious!! Crazy how time flies!! I hear you on the homebody thing- I have yet to leave the house on my own! Plus, so far Ben and Mia hate the car seats, and aren't too fond of driving either, so that doesn't help! Right with you on the co sleeping! Ben usually ends up in bed with us in the wee hours of the morning because that is the easiest way to get him back to sleep! I also hear you on the birth control thing. My doctor has been asking me what I want to do also and I can't decide. Uh oh, baby screaming, gotta go!

clewis said...

love that pic of maximus asleep on couch, while rocco is awake. Its like Maximus was thinking "ah, nah I cant be bothered staying awake for this pic". Cute!

Ashley said...

We go out during the day. We get out for a walk every day or almost every day and we do go out for several hours at a time. We will just stop at Starbucks or somewhere similar and I will breastfeed them one at a time with my Bebe au Lait (hooter hider) cover on. No it's not easy but it makes me feel like a normal person to get out and be around other people even if it means breastfeeding in a coffee shop.

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