Friday, October 28, 2016

WTF appointment and such...

It's getting spooky around here 👻🎃 we are getting ready for a big Halloween Bash at our house tomorrow!
Just an update on all things ttc... I had my follow up WTF appt. basically my RE gave me two options, use a surrogate or try again. He thinks it's immune issues. He also gave our last two embryos each a 90% success rate, and I lost them 😪 Our last two he gave them an 80%. It makes sense though bc the only thing that has changed with my health is allergies! Since having my twins I get them super bad which means my immune system is over active. I got my immune records and it showed my anti-cardiolipins were elevated or high, also some NK cells. So, I have been doing some major research on my own! I found some articles that were very promising about adding prednisone, specifically 20mg starting at 'ovulation' until 12 weeks. Lots of success stories there! I am in the process of getting approval with that protocol. Also, I am adding the natural form of wobenzyme which has anti inflammatory properties and is also supposed to help! I have an appt with a naturopath Tuesday.
Most importantly I have completely surrendered this to the Lord! I feel a sense of peace and calm. We have also filled out adoption applications just incase. If God closes this door I am praying he will open another! 💕🙌🏻 Happy Halloween everyone!!!


Ashley said...

Oh wow i am so sorry that I have not been around for everything that you've been through. I cannot imagine. It sounds like you might be on to something with the allergies and I certainly hope a naturopath can shed some light. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog again (after I abandoned it for so long). It is wonderful to connect again and I am sending hugs and wishes your way.

My Vegas said...

It really is the greatest mystery how you were able to successfully carry twins but are having such a challenge now... my heart is holding yours. Always thinking of you friend!!

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