Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our story...

Happy April ICLW!!  Its nice to join ICLW again!  I took a few months during the first trimester of my pregnancy, because I was just too tired to comment on others blogs ;-)

I thought this time around I could tell my story.  How I got to where I am today... 20 weeks pregnant with twin boys!

Our IF Story...

It was a long 2 1/2 year battle.  We were thrown into the IF world almost immediately once I stopped BCP's.  I am thankful we didn't have to wait a year before getting some help.

Once we got off BCP's we were so excited to start trying for a baby. It was exciting, new, and scary all at the same time! A month went by and I didn't get my period. I took a test... BFN! Another month, no period! And another BFN! I started having cramping pains in my pelvic region so I went to the OB. She sent me to get a pelvic ultrasound done. My results came in and my OB wanted me back for the results. She took out a pad of paper and started drawing... my uterus! I had a Bicornuate Uterus! This still didn't explain my irregular cycles, however. It just meant that it was going to be VERY difficult for us to concieve and to make it to full term when/if we did. She sent us on our way to TTC on our own.

Six months later and about two or three periods, I was back at the OB's. We had not one BFP during this time and I was still wondering what was wrong with me. I had PCOS in the back of my mind, because of my irregular cycles and acne that was flaring up since stopping the BCP's. I got a referral to my first reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. D.

Dr. D informed me that 9/10 times a Bicornuate Uterus is really a misdiagnosed Septated Uterus and the only way to tell is by going in laproscopically. He also does a pelvic ultrasound and confirms polycystic ovaries. I have about 30-50 follicles on each ovary!

Surgery number one was performed. I was diagnosed with a Complete Septated Uterus (a septum going down the middle of my uterus and creating, essentially, two wombs) and therefore he was able to remove the thick wall that when completely down to my cervix.

Once healed, we decided to try on our own, for anniversary number two, while traveling abroad in Italy. I began taking my basal body temp during this time too so I can see when I ovulated. No bambino! We returned to start our first injectables (Follistim) and IUI cycle. We had two follicles, C had 100 million + great motility. BFN! Cycle two we had four follicles great sperm, BFN!

I was emotionally drained so we decided to try on our own again along with temping, OPK's, and acupuncture. BFN! I get put on Metformin 1500mg by a regular endocrinologist... the missing link?

After a three month break we go back to see Dr. D. He wants to check my uterus again and so we scheduled an office Hysteroscopy (take a camera to look inside my uterus). The septum was BACK! The tears began...

Surgery Two... he removed the remaining septum! Once healed, we had another office hysteroscopy, all CLEAR (one beautiful uterus)!

Follistim/IUI cycle #3... I ovulated 5-6 eggs (praying I'm not Jon and Kate!), C had great sperm! BFN! We were devastated and come to the realization that children may not be in our future. I google everything and thought may be I have empty follicle syndrome or God forbid, bad eggs, maybe C's sperm can't penetrate my eggs? Dr. D thinks IVF is the next step...

We take a break for the summer. I also go back to see my endocrinologist. He ups my metformin to 2250mg, because acne is still bad and testosterone is still elevated. We go to Kauai for anniversary number three! IVF came up in conversation and we decided once we get back to get a second opinion. We also try one unmonitored clomid cycle just for fun while we're away. BFN!

I found Dr. R through lots of research. Dr. R was nominated #1 Dr in LA magazine! We met with him and he thought we should try a couple clomid cycles before moving onto IVF. He believed there shouldn't be any reason we can't get pregnant, we were both young (me, 29, C, 31). I just had my period so I was waiting for a new cycle... it never started!

We were tired of waiting and I felt IVF was what we were supposed to do! I was given provera to start my cycle then put on BCP's.  While on BCP's Dr. R wanted to do another office hysteroscopy to look inside my Uterus, given our history.  Once inside, we found still, a residual septum!  I eye's filled with tears again!  How could this be after TWO surgeries!  Dr. R was hopeful and didn't believe we should have yet another surgery although the choice was still up to us.  Through prayer, we felt we should continue on the IVF path.

 I started Lupron after the three or so weeks of BCP's, and then began the stims (menapur and Gonal-F) on Dec. 4. 2011. On December 15, I had my egg retrieval and they took out 29 good quality, mature eggs! C gave them over 100 million good quality sperm. Everything looked perfect!

The following day we get a call for a fertilization report. Dr. R is on the phone (not good!). We had ZERO fertilize! But, we finally got our diagnosis! C's sperm didn't like my eggs! We were devastated to say the least. My eggs were now 24 hours old, but they still performed Rescue ICSI. I googled and googled... we had about a 7% chance of any of them making it to a live birth. We both prayed and prayed!
The next day... 5 miracle embryos (scheduled a 3 day transfer)! The next day... 13 miracle embryos (pushed to a 5 day transfer!)! On day 5 (really 6 from my egg retrieval), we had two Blasts… one 4aa and one early blast. The embryologist came in and was so excited to meet us because "nothing like this ever happens!" She couldn't explain how we got blasts! I said "I know... prayer!" She said, "well, keep praying and I want to meet your babies when you have them!"

On December 31, 2010, my first Beta test... 176! Second beta two days later... 692! 5 week ultrasound TWO SACS!!!

At my 18 week ultrasound with the perinatologist, I mentioned my residual uterine septum.  The doctor looked and looked for it and found NO SIGN!  He doesn't think its going to be a problem and that the babies with push it aside to make room.  Thank GOD!

We are now 20 weeks pregnant with twin BOYS and we couldn't be happier! It has been such a long hard road, but I wouldn't change it for the world! It has made me a stronger woman, who is more than ready to be the BEST mom I can be! It has also made my relationship with my husband  stronger.  I know if we can get through IF, we can get through ANYTHING! God has blessed us so much!  I give Him all the glory for the two miracles growing in my belly!


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I ever knew the complete backstory of your surgeries...yikes! These boys are miracles 10x over!!

B- said...

Hello from ICLW! Congrats! Such an amazing story and I am so excited for you!

Lissie said...

Hi from ICLW! Wow what a story!! I am amazed. You give me lots of hope!

Alec said...

We made it to the other side after a difficult pregnancy with twins. You are now living what we survived. So, if you have any doubts, questions, whatever; I'd be very very happy to offer whatever I can as you go through the pregnancy. Comment again and we'll figure out how to connect more directly.

Best always!

Rosachka said...

Thanks for posting your story. It is a good refresher for those who've been following with you all along, and a good reminder that miracles do happen and it gives me hope that it can happen to us too.

Anonymous said...

Your story is amazing.... miracle babies! I love reading and following your journey. Infertility is awful- but I love how you write about the 'good' aspects of it. A longing fulfilled is such a wonderful thing!

Laurie said...

What a journey! Congratulations on your little boys. I am so exited for you!

Happy ICLW!

Krista said...

Sara, my dear. Did you do any bedrest or do anything special in the 2ww? I've been at home since the transfer on thursday....not doing whole lot but not sitting on the couch all day or anything. I'm going back to work on monday. Just curious how your 2ww went (since of course, I WANT your!) XOXO!

Krista said...

Thanks Sara...that's really helpful! That's mostly what my plan was/is. I've been home kinda laying around for the past 48 hours (but not completely flat all day on the couch, I've been walking around the house a bit.) Tomorrow, we plan to go to brunch for Easter, then of course back to work on Monday....just taking it easy for the next week. I want this SO BAD and I wish I could will it happen, but I know I just need to relax and not worry and just hope for the best! XO!

Ordinary Girl said...

What an incredible story. You really do have two little miracles! I also have PCOS and had a septum, although no where near as extensive as yours. I had no idea that they could come back! How ridiculously frustrating! Good luck through the rest of your pregnancy. I'm sending good thoughts and well wishes your way!

Stephanie said...

Here for ICLW. Sorry to hear about the journey it took to get you hear, but super excited about the twins!! I'm a few weeks ahead of you and like finding people close to me to follow their stories. Good luck with everything!

ICLW #150

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