Sunday, March 6, 2016

Anxiously waiting...

Tomorrow is finally here! I feel so different this time.  I don't have the excitement and Joy and hope I once had.  Tomorrow feels more like closure to this crazy TTC train I've been on.  All my hopes and dreams of growing our family end tomorrow.  Tomorrow feels like this is going to be it... one way or another.

I wrote a Thank You note to our embryologist with a picture of our miracle rescue ICSI, the ones she saved, and helped make!  The note said something like this...

Dear Kristine, 
I wanted to thank you again for helping give us 
our best gift we have ever received, 
our miracle twin boys, 
Rocco and Maximus Fenoglio.
This is likely our last transfer in attempting to expand our family and I wanted 
to thank you so much for the work you do.  
We are forever grateful to you!
We are praying that the Lord blesses you and your family
beyond measure.

Love The F______ Family, 
Chris, Sara, Rocco and Maximus

I added this picture of my twins...

I had tears in my eyes when I wrote that note.  Looking back on our journey has been so powerful, and humbling.  I am so beyond grateful for my twins.  I cannot imagine my life without them.  They have filled my life with so much joy, so much life.

So yes, We have our 5AA, that we are SO praying makes a baby.  I have placed this embryo into the hands of Our Father.  May His will be done.  I now have so much peace, either way, that our family will be complete. God is so SO good.

"Be strong and courageous!  Don't be afraid or discouraged... 
For there is a power far greater on our side! ... 
We have the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!" 
2 Chronicles 32:7-8


1 comment:

Lauree and Mike said...

Praying for that little emby!!!!!!!

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