Saturday, March 6, 2010

The surgery...

went great! I went in last Thursday for my SECOND uterine septum resection. I was much more relaxed, unlike the previous time. I knew what to expect, so that made it much easier going in! C stayed with me the entire time... making me laugh, along with all of the hospital staff, which was nice. Dr. D arrived at EXACTLY 11:45 (he's so punctual!) to take me back. Before I got wheeled away, C gave me a kiss, and then the anesthesiologist gave me a "relaxing" drug. It made me feel drunk! Before I knew it, I was out, and waking up in recovery 45 min later.

I was more coherent, less groggy, and in much less pain than the previous surgery. This is because last time Dr. D did the Laparoscopy as well and the surgery took 1 hour and 45 min. I woke up to graham crackers and juice and before I left I received a "happy pill..." percocet, I believe!

Once home, C thought I would sleep the rest of the night so he took me upstairs to bed. A couple hours later, I came downstairs to watch TV... which is where I spent pretty much the rest of the weekend. C was amazing all weekend! He truely made me feel loved. He made me all of my meals, made me a spritzer (San Pellegrino and cranberry juice!)when ever I wanted, etc. I am so lucky to have him as my husband!

Overall, recovery was much better, I had to move slow, but was in much less pain. I went back to work Monday. My students were awesome... helping me when I needed it! I stayed in my desk all day. However, by Tuesday I was a new woman! I no longer needed pain meds, and was moving around much quicker!

I am ecstatic about the results. Dr. D printed me some pics. The uterine septum is completely gone! Last time I remember seeing a little lip left over. Dr. D was less conservative this time! I am excited to see what the future holds!

I am currently on an estrogen patch for two more weeks. Next, I will be taking prometrium in order to start my period. Then on CD3 I will be starting Follistim!

C and I have learned a lot since our last cycles. We realized that medicine does work, but God is ultimately in control. We are relying much more on Him, and much less on us (I think that's a song!). Prayer is so important and it has definitely been what has kept us strong in this journey. Our family and friends have been so supportive and we have people praying for us that we don't even know! We feel so blessed.


Katie Tanner said...

You are so right. You do have people praying for you that you don't know. Me, I'm one of them. I have started following your blog through a friend. U are such an inspiration to me. I am suffering with infirtility as well. I just know that in God's time, we will both be loving mothers!! Keep your head hig. :)

Kate said...

I am so glad that the surgery and recuperation went well! So many of us are praying for you! Hang in.

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

Thank you so much for those comments! I really appreciate the support! I read them to C and he said... "no wonder you like to blog!" Ha ha. We both appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

I so happy to hear your surgery went well. Thats something pretty significant and nice to remove from your list of things "to do." Surgery - check! :) I hope you continue to heal quickly and well. You are obviously in great hands with your sweet hubby and the good Lord above. Take care!

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