Monday, May 9, 2011

Day at the Perinatologist...

It took much longer than anticipated!  It felt like they did a lot of the same measurements all over again!  Did I ever mention that ultrasounds HURT!  My skin is extremely tender and they have to push pretty hard at times.  I'm glad C was there so I could squeeze his hand!  Anyways,  they really focused on the their hearts, making sure there are four chambers and the the blood is flowing through them correctly.  That was the longest part because the babies kept moving.  Baby A was head down and Baby B was breech.  It is still very early though and they can both still flip around, which I'm sure I feel them do often. 

Baby A's placenta is, so far, causing NO PROBLEMS! yay!  He is measuring the same weight as his brother and both babies are measuring AHEAD! Baby A measured 1 lb 2 oz and 23 weeks 1 day.  Baby B also measured 1 lb 2 oz and 23 weeks 2 days!  Nice and big!  The peri stated that because Baby A's umbilical cord attached at the side of the placenta and not in the center, it can cause less blood flow to the baby as well as nutrients.  It sometimes causes a problem and many times there would already be signs...  Not for my lil guy!  I go back in a month to check their growth again.  Please continue praying that they both get all that they need!

My cervix is holding up GREAT!  I was so worried about a shortening cervix and so far so good!  At 18 weeks it measured 4.7 and at 22 weeks it is measuring 4.5!!!  Not much change!!  I really felt I over did it a couple days I was on my feet for a long time walking and shopping, I guess I can let go of those worries ;-)

I got another nice surprise and got a couple pics of BOTH babies in 4D!  The tech thought one looked like me and one like C.  What do you think...?

Baby A, finally showing his cute lil face!

Baby B!!


Baby Hopes said...

They are cuties!!! Congratulations!

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

Thank You!! xoxo

... said...

Just found you blog!! Hi glad to see the twins are doing well!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness- what great pics of your boys- they are so adorable.
Glad to hear that there has been no complications with the placenta!

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