Monday, June 29, 2015

5dp5dt... FET #2

Well, I woke up today thinking all hope was lost.  Bloating gone, bb's NOT sore at all, and I felt completely back to normal... besides a serious cold I have!

I'm coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose like crazy, and I can't take a thing!  For now, loading up on fresh ginger and lemon tea with raw honey.  Drinking all day to hopefully kick this nasty bug.

I ended up loading the twins up in my burley bike trailer and towed them with my neighbor friend C (I have a lot of C's in my life as of late!) and her kids to a local park close by.  We had a nice time catching up, Oliver got to do his favorite activity, chase squirrels, they are everywhere down there, and we went on a little "adventure" through the "woods."  The park is right next to the wetlands and is surrounded by trees and bushes and the boys like to hunt for lions, tigers and bears!  It is definitely a favorite activity.

I noticed down at the park that my stomach started feeling a little bloated again and my right nipple keeps having sharp pains in it.  I tried just blowing it off.

Once home, the boys ate lunch, and are now taking a nap.  I am extremely bloated as I sit here and I'm still having that nipple pain on and off (but no sore bbs).  I am also exhausted and might just take a nap too!  The tiredness might just be from my cold or progesterone... or is it maybe a baby? Hmmmmm...  It is funny how as soon as I was SURE our little 3AB didn't take, I am now starting to question!

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