Friday, January 29, 2010

Mental Health...

About two hours from where we live is the mountains. Right now they are beautiful... covered in snow! I've been watching these mountains for the last few weeks, when the clouds would disappear for a moment. It got me thinking a lot about the past...

The first time I put on ski's I was two years old. I have been on the slopes ever since. In 8th grade I tried snowboarding. I got the hang of it the first day, but then broke my wrist on the "last run." I didn't quit. I continued trying... got a brusied tail bone, concussion (they really need to enforce helmets!), etc. I fell in love. I am now 29 years old, which means I've been riding for 15ish years... crazy!

Today was the first day up this year. C played "hooky," I had the day off for semester break (I teach high school health... not sure I've ever mentioned that!). It was so much fun! The snow was great and I flew done that mountain! C was doing so much better, only fell twice! I've been teaching him since we started dating. I am very proud of him... especially since we haven't been up in a year! However, I don't laugh as much. I know this sounds mean, but it was so funny watching him fall all the time! I still smoke him down the hill though :)

I was just thinkin how taking a forced break from TTC has been really good for us. We have been more spontanious, adventurous, active, etc... all good for the mental health! Instead of thinking that we are taking a TTC break, I am going to consider this a MENTAL HEALTH BREAK!

Snowboarding was a very challenging sport to learn, but I never gave up. I pushed through the pain and faced some of my fears. Its a lot like IF, there is a lot to learn, A LOT of pain, A LOT to be afraid of, and I'm not giving up. The only difference between the two, is that with snowboarding we rely a lot on ourselves to keep going and with IF we need to rely on GOD.


Kate said...

Hi Sara,

I am not sure if you read this blog or not, but I think the doctor is talking about the same (or similar) condition to yours and why a second surgery may be necessary. I thought you might be interested.


Kate said...

Are you doing ok? You've been a little quiet.

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