Monday, January 3, 2011

4 weeks 3 days symptoms...

and I'm having lots of symptoms.  At first I thought that waking up in the middle of the night was just because I was excited, now I'm sure its hunger.  This is really nuts though.  I am BARELY pregnant... how can I be so hungry already?  I'm going to try really hard to listen to my body eat when hungry, eat nutritious foods, and not gain a gazillion pounds, just enough.

I can say that I'm not over eating at least.  Maybe that's why I'm hungry in the middle of the night.  Last night I woke up to pee at 330.  I tossed and turned til 4 and then I had to listen to my stomach.  I had a small cup of cereal and milk, was back in bed by 410 and fell right asleep.  Its got to be this pregnancy.  The only day I didn't have that happen so far is when we stayed the night at my parents.  I always eat a lot there... comfort food!

I know these are not related to the P4 because they all started going away days before my first Beta then started reappearing...Other things, my boobs are sorer than ever!  It hurts to walk down the stairs, my dad gave me a hug and I almost died from pain, and they are just really tender to touch (hands off C!).  Also I get sharp pains in them, like growing pains on and off.  (TMI) I am having these "stabbing vagina pains," which come and go.  They are really quick but are painful.  I googled it and it said that it may be ligaments and muscles moving and changing.  Other than that I'm just tired, still have cramps on and off, and headaches that come and go.

Good news!  My prenatal ultrasound got moved to Friday and I'll be exactly 5 weeks!  Four more days!  I was excited that it was going to be on my Bday, but I figure this is still an amazing Bday present.  Who doesn't like an early surprise?

Lastly, I want to thank you so much for all of the comments and support!  I love reading them and I also read them to C.  He also loves hearing them.  I look forward to sharing this journey with you.  I hope I didn't scare anyone off with our good news, but understand if you can no longer follow.  This has been such a long road, and I know we still have a ways to go and are not out of the woods yet!  I know that won't come until I'm holding my baby!  Anyways, thanks again! 


My Vegas said...

I, too, pee alot, but other than that, I have no symptoms. I wish I did because this still feels unreal.

Can't wait to hear about the US Friday.

Anonymous said...

At first I thought that the tiredness and peeing alot were just psycho-somatic, but no...that little baby the size of a piece of rice, man are they NEEDY! Lol :-P Enjoy every minute!

Krista said...

Ha! You're so up!!! I can't wait to hear about your first ultrasound. When do you find out if you have one or two in there?!?!?

Katie Tanner said...

OMGoodness. Im just now reading that you are finally pregnant!! Congradulations! Im soo happy for you. You are the very FIRST person I know of with PCOS that has became pregnant! YEAH! That really gives me that little bit of HOPE! I would like to talk with you a little more personally. If you would, email me at Thanks!

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