I have been really worn out the last couple days. I mean really exhausted! Christmas day we opened presents then went over to Mama Pats for Christmas brunch. When we got home, at 1 pm, I went strait upstairs and put my new Pj's (so comphy!) and went strait to bed. I slept til 530! I was so exhuasted. Yesterday, we went to church, picked up Oliver and drove to C's mom's. I slept the whole way in the car, and then wasn't really up for being social. I hate feeling this way.
I would like to say, maybe its early pregancy symptoms!? But, no. I get this way EVERY YEAR! I get so worn out by the time Christmas actually comes, I crash, hard. Plus I'm sure the P4 (progesterone) and E2(estrogen) patches have a little something to do with it.
Not to mention the crying! Okay, yes I'm am one of those! I usually get annoyed when I read when someone has been "crying for no reason..." or "the meds are making me crazy!" Well, I am officially one of them. I went to sleep crying last night. When C asked what was wrong, I couldn't even tell him! I had all these horrible thoughts running in my head. I feel horrible about it today (I must have caught up on sleep!). I was sure my feelings were "valid" last night, but now I'm not so sure!? Why do women have to be so emotional?
Well, I'm 5dp5(6)dt (five days past five (six) day transfer) today! And yes, I was sooo close to POAS today, but then I realized I only had one internet cheapy left AND I would be pretty devestated if it was negative. But last night I was googling 5dp5dt and so many people got BFP on this day... especially when carrying multiples! I'm soooo tempted!
I was just reading my fellow bloggers update at 7dp5dt... She's pregnant! Go give her a congratulations... My Vegas!!! She's one day ahead of me (technically two bc of the second day ICSI) and started getting positives 3dp5dt and the line kept getting darker. I think there's more than one in there! I'm very happy for her!
Makes me want to POAS... should I? My BETA isn't til Jan. 2! That would be 18dpo! Crazy!
Good luck! Just don't get discouraged if it's neg-I know many that didn't get a pos at home until 16d post transfer!
It is totally up to you, but at the equivalent of 13dpo (10dp3dt)I am holding strong pretty much for the same reasons as you (1) it is not for certain, even though others did get BFPs at that time and (2) I'll be heartbroken if it is a BFN. But whatever is your decision, we will be there to offer our support and congratulations (you see, positive thoughts!!!)
I know it's hard to wait, but in my opinion....wait! You just don't want to be disappointed just because it is too early. I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!
Ah, the POAS decision--it's so hard. My best friend, after her first IVF, called me crying saying she wasn't pregnant because she POAS'd and it was negative. A few days later, her beta came back at 150...in any case, I wish you the best of luck with your cycle!
Such a hard place to be, good luck! I hope you get your bfp!
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