Tuesday, November 15, 2011

9.5 hours...

Is how long my baby boys slept last night! I couldn't believe it when I woke up at 5am! Well I actually woke up at 1 (their normal feeding time) to go to the bathroom and I listened... SILENCE! I shrugged and went back to sleep thinking I would have to get up in a few minutes. four hours later Maximus woke up crying. I had to wake C up to tell him, "THE BABIES SLEPT NINE AND A HALF HOURS!!!". I'm praying this isn't a fluke!

After their 5 am feed they went back to sleep til 8. I feel quite rested today, to say the least! Fingers are crossed for tonight!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bath time fun...





The boys really do love their bath.  We give them one EVERY NIGHT!  I think a night time routine is crucial... especially for twins. Usually at about 7pm they start getting fussy, letting us know they are ready for bed.  We take them upstairs and as soon as they hit the warm lavender infused H2O, the tears subside and they are calm. Baths take no more than 5 min at this point so it really isn't  a hassle.  And we don't always soap them up, but always get their bottoms nice and clean... no diaper rashes please!

I have had one REALLY bad diaper rash experience.  Maximus had one where it left his poor lil bottom raw.  It took weeks to heal.  I wouldn't use wipes just would give him a "bidet" in the sink!  Since then, I learned why.  The boys were pooping at EVERY feeding and I had not been putting any protection, i.e. Butt Paste!  I swear by Bordeaux's Butt Paste now!  At every changing I smother their lil bottoms with the stuff and since then we have been diaper rash FREE!

After bath we feed and then read a story, or two.  They LOVE story time.  Its adorable hearing their coo's and giggles while I'm reading.  They watch me read so intently.  I think starting reading young is also so important!  My SIL never read to her baby now her 14 month old won't sit still for a story!  He doesn't understand it!  Maybe its the teacher in me, but I love to read to them and I hope it instills their desire to read as well.

After story time, I kiss them good night and turn out the lights.  Sometimes they fall right asleep and sometimes they just lay there for a while.  But they know its time for bed and they eventually fall asleep, without fussing.

I love routines!

Monday, November 7, 2011

6 more lbs...

I am now 6 lbs away from my pre-IVF weight and 3 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight.  Although, I don't really know if IVF is what caused me to gain 3 lbs because we did IVF over the holidays so I could have been just over indulging.  Actually, I believe 1 year ago today I was on BCP's and gearing up for the dreaded Lupron shots.  Its so crazy to think how much has changed in one year!

Anyway,  I'm back in my jeans (yay!) and only a few more to go to get back to my "fighting weight!"  However, my body (abs) have definitely changed.  My stomach seems much flabbier than it did before (hello... you just delivers TWINS!) and it makes me feel like I need to lose even more weight than previously.  My waist is bigger (per measuring).

What I've been doing to get back into shape and lose the baby weight...

  • Breastfeeding TWO babies (Lost 30 right away, then plateaued.  Started watching my diet more and now have lost 6.4 more!)
  • Jogging/walking (almost everyday I get outside and do one or the other!  I had to invest in a NO-BOUNCE sports bra... works wonders for my new size!)
  • Pilates (The best ab tightening core workouts I know of)
  • Eating right! I thought because I was breastfeeding I could eat whatever I wanted and how much!  NOT SO MUCH!  It did get me so far, but to lose the last 10-15, my diet needed some tweaking!  I was worried it would affect my supply, but I have plenty!
My final weight gain from my twin pregnancy... 38 lbs (post IVF) and 41 lbs (pre IVF).  Not too bad!  However, my body needs much more work!  My mother said it takes about a year for your body to get back to normal.  We'll see.  I think most people don't start eating right and exercising right away!  February we are headed to Kauai with our babies, so I have extra motivation to get in a bikini :)

Friday, November 4, 2011


HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!  We've been quite busy lately, sorry for the blog hiatus!  I haven't had much to blog about though.  My new life is amazing and I am loving every second!  Although I cannot  wait for an eight hour sleep!  They are still waking up in the middle of the night.  The boys go down at 8pm, then up at 1am then 5am....  Its exhausting still!  They are 13 weeks old today (8 adjusted) so I guess I can't ask for much more!

For Halloween we ended up going down town and walking around with friends and their babies.  It was really crazy and crowded.  I don't think we'll do that again next year.  Trick or Treating sounds like much more fun!  Hopefully our church will have an event going on!

The boys are full of smiles now so each day is so fun!  Although you can't tell by these pics :-/  Its hard to make them smile from behind my giant camera!

Hope you all enjoyed your holiday!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I FINALLY ventured out of the house today... ALL BY MYSELF (and the babies, of course!)!!!  Thank you to Calmly Chaotic for giving me the motivation to do so!  "If she can do it so can I," I told myself.  Now, I am not as brave to breast feed in public, however.  I have my babies on a strict schedule so when one is hungry, the BOTH are hungry at the same time!  Today, I decided to go to this shopping center.  Its basically one stop shopping.  I needed to return our cable box, since we just got Verizon Fios (LOVE IT!), stopped at Carters and picked up a couple 3 month outfits, walked over to REI and purchased the drink console for the BOB stroller, next went to ULTA to get some make up (yay!), and after that it was feeding time again!  I almost went home, but decided I am going to breast feed in my car!  I brought my My Breast Friend pillow fed the boys, changed them and then went to Whole Foods Market.  Yes, this was a lot of work, but so worth it!  I need to feel like a normal human being again.  And I am VERY proud of myself for having the courage to do this with 10 week old twins!  YAY ME!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Finally the boys are able to go in my BOB double jogger... with the added head support, of course!  They love it and I love it!  They do look super tiny in my giant stroller, but that's okay!

Last week they had their two month check up, and yes that included shots!  Both babies are now with in the normal curve, which means they are catching up!  Rocco weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs even and Maximus was right behind at 9 lbs 8 oz!  They are in the 5th and 10th percentile for 10 week olds, but in the 50th and 75th for their adjusted age with is 5 week olds!  The doctor made the remark that "their going to be linebackers!"  Of course my husband loved hearing that!  The shots were pretty sad, I couldn't look, but I just held their little hands and gave them a pacifier!  As soon as they were done I picked them up and they stopped crying immediately.  I love how they see me as comfort :)

Saturday night, we had a MUCH needed date night!  Our boys stayed home with Grandpa and Grandma, which they thoroughly enjoyed.  For some reason its getting MORE difficult to leave the boys, the more I'm with them.  I'm am becoming more and more attached!  Anyways, it was nice to get dressed up.  Because we all looked so nice we took a family photo before heading out the door...

I love LOVE this pic!  The boys are 10 weeks old here.  I'm holding Rocco and C is holding Maximus.  Here is one of just the boys...
Maximus is looking nice a wide eyed and Rocco has a little grin.  Rocco has began giving us social smile this week at 9 weeks old (4 weeks adjusted)!  They absolutely melt my heart!

Back to date night... We went to Captain Jacks in Sunset Beach.  Its a really nice steak and seafood restaurant right in the harbor.  The best part of the dinner was when C and I were waiting in the bar.  We had a nice and cozy table, I had a glass of wine, he had a martini, we had an appetizer of a steamed artichoke and we felt like we were dating again!  I got a little buzzed from my glass of wine and I couldn't keep my hands off of my husband!  It was so perfect!

As much as we love our little boys, part of making them #1 in our lives means keeping our marriage #1 first (second to God of course!).  Taking time for each other without the boys, is crucial, in making that "lovin feelin" continue!

P.S.  I started the Birth Control Pills.  Its bitter sweet!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Two Months!

Chubby legs...

Rocco Gianni

Maximus Matteo

Maximus and Rocco

 Rocco Gianni

Maximus Matteo

Its been 9 almost 10 weeks and I'm still breastfeeding these lil guys!  I'm starting to get a little stir crazy, however.  I have about an hour window after a feed to either run an errand or go for a jog (yes I started jogging again!). It is near impossible to breastfeed twins any where but home. I'm not about to lug my my breast friend pillow around!  Plus, usually I only have the energy to do one of those PER DAY!  Its a lot of work to feed, change, and put two babies in car seats.  I am trying to find the energy to do that twice a day!  I'm sure once they start sleeping through the night I'll find it, but until then... I'm a home body!

Do any of you twin moms have any tips for going out and about during the day?

The boys two month check up is tomorrow!  I can't wait to find out their weights!  I'm sure Rocco is over 10lbs and Maximus isn't far behind.  I'm pretty sure they both started smiling this week, but I have yet to capture it on camera.  Last night I was taking to Rocco while he was in the bath asking him to smile for mama, and he did!! A nice and big one while looking at me!  We'll see if he does it again today, then I can be sure!  Maximus has also had moments of smiling while looking at me, but when I have him try to do it again, he looks away.  I'll keep trying, I'm dying for their gorgeous smiles :)

Friday, October 7, 2011


Is becoming a nightly routine (this is something I said I would NEVER do btw). It doesn't start out that way and I know it wont last for long. I don't plan on having toddlers sleep in bed with us :)  But, I have to say, I love sleeping with them!  They are so cuddly and we all sleep so good together!  They could be crying one minute and then I put them in my nook, and fast asleep they go!

The babies are officially TWO months old, as of the Wednesday and 9 weeks old today (two month pics coming soon!). They are sleeping longer through the night, 4 to 6 hours, but it never fails one wakes up first and the other is sound asleep. We decided this week to see how long the sleeping one will sleep and then put the other in bed with us. It worked great! We all slept an extra two hours! HUGE! Unfortunately, its not both of them sleeping in their cribs that long. But I think by just letting them sleep instead of our old mentality, one wakes up both wake up, we might be sleeping through the night sooner than we think!

Once we moved them from our room to their cribs (sharing one) at six weeks, we started a night time routine... Bath time, story time, bed time! We now have no issues putting them to bed awake! They'll lay there for a bit and fall right asleep. We don't have a specific bedtime yet because feeding still range each day, but routine is definitely helping :)

They are nine weeks old, now and its unbelievable!  Their personalities have really come out!  Rocco, we call "The big Rock, "  is very observant!  He loves to look around at everything with his big beautiful eyes. At feeding time, he won't latch on until he's looked around.  Its pretty cute!  Maximus is very temperamental, he has to have things his way RIGHT NOW!  The funny part is that I knew they would more or less be like this because of how they were in my belly.  Rocco was the laid back one and Maximus was always doing somersault's!  Hence, the reason we named them their names... Rocco means "rest"  Maximus means "the Greatest."

Raising twins is no joke!  I don't know how people do it without help!  We are very blessed to have C's sister come three days a week to do house chores and run errands for me.  I am able to just focus on the babies right now, which I am so thankful!  I love LOVE being a mom, especially to my twins.  As hard as it is, I am loving EVERY SECOND!  They are my greatest gift!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It fits!

I was seriously getting worried there! The last trimester of my pregnancy I had very swollen hands and fingers. It felt like arthritis in my hands. To open a jar, I needed help because my hands ached. After delivery, I was sure it would go away, but I was left with numb finger tips that tingled and I still had the aching in my hands when opening things. My hands were still swollen and my wedding ring wouldn't fit. Today, I noticed the pain and tingling was gone, so I tried my wedding ring on and IT FITS!! I'm so happy!!!

Now, only if I could fit into my jeans...

Fussy Baby?

Put him in a wrap and this is what you get...

a peacful sleeping baby! I love my sleepy wrap :-)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Birth control?

At my six week check up, Dr. I discussed birth control options with me.  But do I need it?  I hear it again and again that after infertility, many people get "surprises."  I guess, I am not sure what to do because our issue ended up being a little different than most peoples.  C's sperm didn't like my eggs!  I mean what are the chances we would have a surprise pregnancy if out of 29 eggs, NOT ONE, fertilized!?

I did get a prescription for a progesterone pill that's safe to take while breastfeeding.  Part of me doesn't want to take it because if we did get a surprise, that wouldn't be anything less than a miracle.  But at the same time, I REALLY don't want to get pregnant again for a LONG time!  I just want to enjoy my new little twins!  So I ask the question... what would you do???

Another pic just for fun :-)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

lovin the new sns...

Breastfeeding is going amazing now! I love the new system! Prior, I would sometimes give them up to 2 oz of either formula or expressed BM. Now, they are barely taking 2 oz TOTAL.. not 2 each like before! I fed rocco this morning and he didnt take any, and he even spit up... all from me! Im pretty sure this thing is working and they are getting mre efficient at eating and know they arent getting a bottle after! My supply is going up!

My LC has me taking 3 pills of blessed thistled and fenugreek 3 times a day drinking 1 dark beer everday (darn!).

Friday, September 23, 2011

Out and about...

I'm finally feeling comfortable leaving the house with my babies.  They are now adjusted age 2 weeks and 7 weeks old really!  Rocco is now weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 9oz and Maximus is 7lbs 13oz!!  They are growing boys!  This past week they went out to dinner with us, them being covered up in their car seats (paranoid mom alert!), and to the grocery store!  I pushed the babies in a cart and C pushed the cart for the groceries.  It was the site to see!  I figure once I'm comfortable to go alone, I can put one in my sleepy wrap and push on the cart in his car seat.

I've also been walking daily (almost) and started doing some Pilate's at home. Man do I feel weak!  I'm about 10 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight and 13 away from pre IVF.  Not too bad.  I kinda platued a little for a few weeks, I think because I wasn't eating enough.  I just started eating a lot more and I've lost a couple more lbs!  I'm hoping that trend continues!  I just ordered a workout dvd from netflix and I'm going to start running again soon (probable more like a walk jog to start).  I'm very motivated to get back into shape, especially since we'll be heading back to Kauai in February!!!!  It will be our first family vacation!!  Super excited!

As for the breastfeeding, its going better.  The pumping is definitely helping and I am noticing my left producing more.  I had a LC come over today and she is starting me on the SNS system.  Because the babies had to be supplemented in the beginning, it TOTALLY screwed up my milk supply!  I am frustrated with my pediatrician for recommending them to be supplement with formula.  Knowing what I know now, she should have rec. me to nurse more often and pump after, then I wouldn't be having these issues.  I think this happens to a lot of new moms who don't know any better.  In the end they end up formula feeding because their milk supply isn't good enough.  That is not going to happen to me!

So, the SNS is a supplementing system, but I'm pumping and going to supplement the best I can with my OWN breastmilk.  The tube is attached to my nipple which will stimulate me to produce more!  Its a win win!  This is my last and final effort to EBF.  I have researched and researched.  Knowing what I know now, I truely regret listening to my pediatrician in the beginning and I wish she had me just breastfeed more often to make sure Rocco gained more weight.  I wish she had me pump and not tell me to give my baby a man made substance!  I listened to her thinking she knew best.  I was under so much pressure with one baby in NICU and one at home not gaining enough weight I listened.  Now I'm struggling to provide for my babies.

(*Written today)
The good news... I gave NO BOTTLES last night or today!!!  My babies drank only from my breast and were supplemented with my breast milk!  Its such a crazy feeling to see my babies come off my breasts and be SATISFIED!!  Its like I'm waiting for them to still act hungry!  Loving my new SNS!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pumping pumping pumping...

is what my life consists of now!  Of course that includes breastfeeding, diaper changes, and naps in between!  I'm currently pumping as I type this!  I was given this amazing hands free pump, the Medela Freestyle, and it has given me the motivation to pump again! 

Once I decided to strictly breastfeed both babies, I stopped pumping at that time, mostly because I was burned out!  I originally breastfed Rocco and then pumped for Maximus so I could add the extra calories to it.  Once Maximus was up to a good weight I stopped adding the extra and was just so exhausted from it all I needed a break.  The problem... I'm not producing enough milk for two babies!!!  I am desperately trying EVERYTHING to increase my milk supply!

I had an appointment with a Lactation Consultant on Wednesday.  I breastfed both babies while I was there.  They weighed them before and after to see how much they ate.  Maximus ate 2.4oz on the right side and Rocco ate only 1 oz on the left!  I have a retarded left breast!

On top of that, they think I have thrush on my nipples, which is why I'm still in pain when I breastfeed after 6 weeks (yes my babies are 6 weeks old now!).  Its very common with breastfeeding.  It can either appear on the mother, the baby, or both!  Luckily I just have it now.  So I am putting a cream on after each feeding/pumping.

My job now to increase my supply is to breastfeed, then pump after each feeding, 10 min on the right and 15 on my retarded left  This SUPPOSEDLY will tell my body to produce more!  I am still waiting for that to kick in!  I have also started taking Fenugreek, an herbal supplement that is supposed to also increase my supply.

To say the least, it is VERY frustrating!  I am very frustrated!  If it is supply and demand and my babies are demanding and my body is not supplying, I disagree with that theory.

If anyone has any other tips for increasing supply, PLEASE SHARE!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Due Date...

my boys will be 5 weeks tomorrow and today is their due date! this means they are no longer preemies and are now newborns! Their weight reflects that. Rocco is 7lbs 2oz and Maximus is 6lbs 6oz!  Im so happy to make it to this day :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One Month Old...

Its hard to believe that a whole month has gone by.  Rocco and Maximus are 1 month old (yesterday).  They are growing like crazy and and we are learning more and more about each other everyday.

I've learned their cry's, I know what they need when they need it, and mostly its food!  I know when they need to eat or when they just need to cuddle and boy do they love to cuddle... especially in the middle of the night :-)  They love to smile and make faces at me when they are content with full bellies, I love to watch them (I know they don't know they are smiling just yet!).  Maximus is especially expressive with his face and his smile literally melts my heart.  I can't wait for "real" smiles!

The past two weeks we have moved in with my parents.  Our house is under construction for the mold issue we had months ago.  We had been fighting with our HOA for the past six months and we finally won!  They didn't want to pay and they lost!  It is horrible timing, but at least it is getting fixed.  As much as I was dreading the move and the work on our house, I have appreciated the extra hands with the babies!  My parents are great and we have actually been able to have a date night!  It was a really fast dinner at a nice Italian restaurant.  A much needed night out after 5 weeks of bedrest and four weeks of babies ;-)

C is such an amazing father.  He is loving his boys so much and has blown my expectations of him as a father away! Having him commute to work has been taxing the last couple weeks and we can't wait to get home!  He doesn't get home from work until about 8pm so he is really missed by the three of us during the week.

Last, but not least...

Rocco and Maximus

Rocco Gianni

                       Maximus Matteo

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Its crazy that my boys are already three weeks old!  Whats even crazier is that they are only 38 weeks, not even to their due date yet, and they are doing so good!  They had their third pediatrician appt on Thursday (well second for Maximus) to check on their weights.  I was shocked at Maximus's growth.  Last week he weighed 4lbs 7oz and exactly one week later, he weighed 5 lbs 4oz!  Almost a pound in growth!  He was also 17.5 inches last week and this week he is 19!  Rocco was 5lb 6oz last week and this week 5lbs 14oz and 19.5 inches!  Those 2 hour feedings the other night did some good I guess ;-)

As of Wednesday, am done with pumping for Maximus and now exclusively BFing both boys AT THE SAME TIME!  I was so exhausted from pumping and decided to give it up.  Maximus needed to be on the fortified breast milk to gain weight, and it did its job.  I had moments of just giving up and I can see why so many people stop BFing, but this is something I wanted to do for a long time and I know how GOOD it is for my babies! I got asked for a couple tips on how to breast feed both at the same time...

What I do is get my burp rags ready and recieving blankets.  I change both babies to wake them up more, especially if one wakes up first.  I lay them both out in their crib and strap on the pillow.  I put each baby on the pillow in position (football hold), and walk to go sit in my rocker.  I use the recieving blankets and sometimes the burp cloth's to support their heads, once I latch on each baby.  THAT is CRUCIAL to keep them latched.  Then you can be hands free!  Usually one baby is ready to burp before the other so I have the burp cloth ready, burp and relatch.  I feed each baby on one side for each feed then switch.   Because mine are premies I am topping them off with higher calorie formula to make sure they are getting enough.  Its all working!  Hope that helps you new twin mommy's!

Yesterday we did their newborn photo's!  It was a long day... six hours of posing, feedings, changings etc.  Newborn photographers need to be very patient,is what I learned!  Here is a sneak peak my photographer posted on her FB page...

Maximus Matteo and Rocco Gianni @ 3 weeks old!

P.S.  Sorry for being a "bad blogger," but I am soaking up every minute of these little blessings. Looking at this pic, can you blame me?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Twenty perfect fingers, twenty perfect toes...

Thank you Lord for these perfect gifts!

A verse that inspired me the other morning was this...

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. " Psalm 139:13-14

Rocco on the top, Maximus on the bottom.
This was taken last Saturday, the day Maximus came home!

A little update...

I am so thankful and blessed to be Rocco's and Maximus's mother.  It is an amazing yet challenging experience. 

I have had them both home now for six days.  The first two nights were rough.  I don't think I really slept!  One would wake up to eat then the other.  Maximus is on a higher calorie diet to gain weight, so I am unable to breastfeed both babies.  Rocco is breast feeding and does a great job, but its exhausting and takes a lot of time.  I also pump after each feeding so I can feed Maximus with the added "weight gainer."  I cannot wait until they can eat the same.  It will definitely help me in the sleep department.  However, one of the BEST investments I made, was purchasing the My Breast Friend Twin nursing pillow!  I now able to feed both babies at the same time!  Rocco BF's and Maximus bottle.  Maximus falls asleep on the pillow while Rocco finishes.  Nights are getting better, but its definitely still a work in progress ;-)

The previous week was also really tough with Maximus in the NICU.  A normal new mom is able to take a nap during the day while her baby(ies) sleeps.  I had to be at the NICU visiting my other son.  I had/have two babies with two different needs!

So, I forgot to post the reason for Maximus's lack of growth for the last month!  I know its common with twins to have them come out with different weights, but for us we found out why during the csection!  Maximus's placenta partially attached to the scar tissue where my septum was!  He was getting enough nutrients throughout the pregnancy up until my week 30 growth scan which is where the discrepancy became apparent.  I had been worried since that appointment.  I tried eating more protein etc. and nothing seemed to help.  I was relieved to know that there was nothing that I could have done different and so thankful that we got him out so he can grow!  The only way we were able to know this is because I had a csection.  We are so LUCKY that he made it this far without any further complications!

When he was released from the hospital last Saturday, his weight was 4lbs 1 oz.  Yesterday his weight was 4lb 7oz!  So he is growing great!  I hope he is able to catch up to Rocco soon!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Friday night at five!" (Birth story)

C had been saying that for the past week in regards to when we were going to have the babies.  He thought it would be a good day to have the babies on a Friday so he didn't have to worry about work over the weekend.  I didn't like that idea because I REALLY wanted to make it to week 36, at least!  My cervix was holding tight and at this point I though I would go another couple weeks, maybe even to 38 weeks!  On Friday, Aug. 5, I was 35 + 1.  I went to my normal scheduled NST and ultrasound.  The NST was great babies did awesome!  I hadn't had any major contraction problems for days and had stopped taking the procardia.  Dr. Illeck was impressed with my blood pressure, 110/70.  I thought it was just going to be another day...

We did a quick ultrasound check.  He normally does a growth scan on Tuesdays, but he wasn't there the past Tuesday.  I had seen another Doctor.  So I asked him how Baby B was doing.  I had been worried about him for weeks since his growth was so much smaller than A's since week 30.  But each time Dr. I assured me that his fuid levels were still great and he was still growing.  Today however, was different.  B's tummy showed NO growth from the previous week and his fluid levels dropped dramatically from Tuesdays appointment.  Dr. I was so happy I asked him to check on my little guy!  He said, "alright this is it! I think its time to take them out!"  I freaked!  Happy, anxious, and scared all at the same time!  He asked me when I last ate and said we should be good to go by 5!!  I laughed and told him how C had been saying "Friday night at 5" for the past week or so!

I texted C "Its time!"  He of course, thought I was lying.  Although I always said, if I every text you that... IM SERIOUS, ITS TIME!  Anyway, we got home, got packed,  took one last family photo before heading to the hospital.  I was very emotional was trying to hold back the tears.  We were going from a family of two (three with Oliver!) to a family of FOUR... 

We arrived at the hospital around 2pm and I got hooked up to all the monitors.  I was ready to go...

C was really excited too! 

As most of you know, I really wanted to go into labor on my own and then have my c section.  I knew that was inevitable because both babies were breech.  Well, that's exactly what happened!  I started contracting every 2 to 4 minutes and had to breath through each one!  The nurse asked if I wanted an epidural because they were coming so strong!  I didn't want it and wanted to wait for my spinal.  Breathing through them worked just fine.  See those contractions...

All was going well until my little Baby B couldn't handle the contractions!  His heart rate kept dropping so they had me lay on my left side with some O2...

Things settled down.  Baby B's heart rate came back up!  Because I ate a protein shake at 11am, my section was pushed to 7:30pm.  It was shockingly such a great experience! 

They came and got me at 730, wheeled me back in my bed.  I got up and sat on the operating table.  The anaesthesiologist was hilarious and made me very comfortable.  When he was trying to find my vertebrae, he would squeeze the sides of my stomach.  I burst out laughing because it SERIOUSLY tickled!  He had to do that like 5 times!  He said, "I wish we could video this and put it on You Tube!" LOL

The spinal didn't hurt one bit!  Before I knew it my legs were getting warm and tingly.  Dr. I came in and started prepping.  Two minutes later, C came in and I could already feel some tugging... not painful or uncomfortable at all, just movement.

Seconds later, the anesthesiologist held up a mirror so I could see both babies be born!  It was incredible!  C did not want to look because he hates blood, but it was amazing.

First Rocco came out screaming and then a minute later, Maximus.  Immediately I could see the huge size difference.  I was worried.  However, both babies had apagar ratings of 8 and 9!  Neither needed any oxygen. 

Because Maximus needed to go to the NICU, I was able to see him first...

Maximus and I

C, Maximus and I

Rocco and I

C, Rocco and I

After an hour in recovery, I was able to see Rocco in the Nursery!

Skin on skin with Rocco

Skin on skin with Maximus!

Honestly, my birth was PERFECT!  I would not change a thing!  The hospital was amazing, as were the nurses!  There is so much more to write, but this one took me 3 days (between naps and feedings!)

Today is our 4 year anniversary, and I am more blessed than I could imagine!  We are so in love, with each other and our new little blessings!

Hope you enjoy our story :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Maximus comes home today!!!!!!

I know I know, I still owe you the birth story!  But ts been too crazy running back and forth to the hospital to visit Maximus!  Good news... He is coming home today!  I will leave you with this...

My two new loves who stole my heart...

Rocco Gianni 5 lbs 7 oz

Maximus Matteo 3lbs 12 oz

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Their here!!!

Rocco Gianni arrived friday night, august 5, at 8:08 weighing 5lbs 7oz and Maximus Matteo arrived at 8:09 weighing 3lbs 12oz!  They are the most precious gift I've every recieved and Im absolutely in love!

Their birth story and pictures to come...

P.s. Maximus is in NICU for feeding and growing. Neither needed any help with breathing. Rocco is home with me and is nursing like a champ!

Friday, August 5, 2011

ITS TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Just left the doctor!  Baby B's fluid is low and I'm headed in for the delivery!  Please pray for the saftey of all three of us!!!  I'm so excited and can't wait to meet my little miracles!!!

The Golden Hour...

It is so hard to believe that I've made it to 35 weeks!  I am so greatful for each extra day I have with my babies in my belly.  I recieved a call today from a friend who's neice had her twins last night, at 33 weeks 3 days!  She had been laying on the couch and her water just broke!  It made me realize that really, it can be ANY DAY NOW!  It is exciting and scary all at the same time!

C and I have been contemplating on whether or not we will be having people come to the hospital when "its time."  I've gone back and forth about this my entire pregnancy!  At our hospital they have a thing called "The Golden Hour."  Its the first hour after birth that they give to the family to nurse and bond with the new baby(ies).  We both really want this time and didn't want to feel pressured about having people in the waiting room to meet our new LO's (little one's).  But, at the same time, I want our family their to support us and pray for us!

What we decided is this, we will be calling my parents, C's Dad and step-mom, and my brothers.  Thats it!  I know that they will respect the time we want to bond following the birth.  They will be there to support us.  I won't feel pressured to have them meet the boys right away.  And since we will be having a c-section, they might be able to see them be wheeled down to the recovery room where I will be.  Our hospital has a policy that keeps babies with mom's at all times (if everyone is healthy).  I love that!  So I can still get my Golden Hour even while I'm recovering from surgery.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Little hats...

I am getting more and more excited about the arrival of my baby boys!  Fear has left and anticipation has arrived!  At 34 +5  we are in a safe zone if they were delivered.  I am sure what I was struggling with prior, had a lot to do with having premature babies.  I know now that my babies will be safe!

I had another NST today and the boys did awesome!  It showed my uterus is still very irritable, however, and I had only one big contraction.  During that contraction, Baby B moved and it started picking up my heart beat, which scared me!  As I was watching the monitor I saw his heart rate decel! So, Dr. I wanted to ensure that it was just my own heart rate and so he did a BPP (Biophysical Profile)as well, which monitors fluid, hear rate, muscle tone, movement and breathing.  It was awesome seeing both boys doing their practices breathing!  And Baby B had the hiccups!   So cute!  All was confirmed good for both. 

My cervix is STILL CLOSED, however, it is beginning to soften.  So it looks like we're headed in the right direction!

I have already booked a photographer for when the boys come home.  Newborn photo's should be done within the first two weeks after birth, or once I'm able to bring them home.  I saw these cute little elf hats and thought they would look adorable for their photo shoot... I can't wait!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Great doctor appointment!

During the NST, babies did awesome, of course, and I only had a couple of little contractions!  Yesterday I didn't even need to take any procardia and I haven't taken any today either!  It seems as if my "irritable uterus" has calmed down a bit!  Dr. I was very happy and decided not to check my cervix today since I haven't had much uterine "activity." 

He then checked the fluid levels and they looked awesome!  Babies are still butting heads at the top of my uterus, right under my ribs.  I asked if my cervix had been dilating or effacing at the last appointment on Tuesday and he said, "Not at all!"  I am so happy that bedrest is working so well.  I asked if that means "I'm off bedrest?"  He said "you can do much more activity now, but I'm not saying go walk around the mall!"  I laughed and said, "I don't think I would be able to walk around the mall!"

So basically, I am off modified bedrest and it has been switched to restricted activity! YAY!  Not really sure how that's going to change, but I will definitely feel more comfortable taking (driving) my dog to the park and letting him play!

I also asked about scheduling a c-section.  At the hospital where I'm delivering, I guess there is a waiting list.  He said it is not worth scheduling because he doesn't think I would even make 38 weeks (we'll see!).  But, I am happy because I am hoping to go into labor naturally, so at least I can experience what labor feels like before my c-section.  I know that can change quickly, however, if fluid is low, etc.

My reminders of why I did so well on bedrest and really rested...  I can't wait to hold and kiss their little cheeks, fingers and toes!

Baby B                                                                               Baby A

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Four weeks of Bedrest down...

Thats right!  I'm 34 weeks today and am so extremely happy to be at this point!  Four weeks ago, when we had the pre-term-labor scare, I wasn't sure if we would make it to 32!  Bedrest WORKS!

Last week I started my twice weekly doctor appointments.  Friday was my first NST (non-stress-test).  Here are a couple pics.  In the first one, I had to click the button every time I felt movement.  With two babies, I'm clicking that thing A LOT!  In the next pic, the top strip monitors contractions and the two lower are for my babies heart rates.  Nurses were in and out trying to find them, because my boys are so active!  Tuesday, I had a few really big contractions that went off the chart!  It measured 100 and the machine couldn't record the peak of the contraction!  Dr. I was happy with the results because both babies did just fine through even the big one!

My cervix is still closed and firm, shockingly enough!  At 34 weeks I'm thinking I can start being a little more mobile too (although I know my boys are NOT ready to come yet).  Bedrest has kept them cooking to get to this safer zone.  I know if they were to deliver, they would be JUST FINE, and only need a little help... 36 weeks is still the goal!

I am still taking it easy on the cleaning and house work... not doing any!  But, I am getting up more to make myself food, getting the mail, pool time, movies, and dinner out.  I went to my first movie on Sunday and saw Friends with Benefits... SUCH a CUTE movie! C dropped me off right in front, where I sat and waited for him to park and buy our tickets.  Then he made me go the bathroom so I didn't have to get up and go in the middle of the movie (which I did anyways!).  After the movie, he had me sit and then went and got the car to pick me up!  He is taking REALLY great care of me... and our babies :)

Both babies are still breech and spinning babies is not working :-/  I have come to terms with having a csection now and am okay with it.  I was really getting used to the idea of a vaginal delivery because baby A was Vertex from weeks 20 - 31!  He's a little stinker!  At my last appointment it showed that Baby A has has dropped into my pelvis, butt first.  It is causing me to pee ALL THE TIME!  At night, I wake up every 2-3 hours to go to the bathroom.  I know this is preparation for whats to come, except I won't be able to go back to sleep, I'll be up feeding and changing diapers!  I can't wait!

Over all I'm still feeling good, just been VERY tired.  I feel like its first trimester all over again!  I have a horrible appetite, nothing sounds good, and I sleep in so late!

My waist has gone from a 27 inches to 44!  I am now looking forward to getting back in shape!  We are planning a family vacation in Maui next June which will be my motivation!  Last summer we spent our 3rd year anniversary in Kauai!  It was amazing!  This year, we'll spend our 4th Anniversary, August 17th, in the hospital or carrying for babies!  I wouldn't have any other way!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Taking Bed Rest Poolside @ 33 weeks...

Taken today at 33 weeks 0 days!

Can you say BIG!?!  I'm feelin it now!  I've got almost 8 lbs of baby in me now.  Baby A is measuring a little over 4 lbs and baby B is measuring a little over 3 and a half.  Dr. I did their measurements on Tuesdays appointment (to my great surprise!).  Originally he wasn't going to do them, I thought, until next week Tuesday and also start NST (non-stress test) next week as well, but I have my FIRST NST tomorrow!  I'm looking forward to it!  I can't wait to hear their heartbeats again.  Because I'm having twins, I RARELY get to hear their hearts because they do ultrasounds at every appointment, so there is really no need.  Yes, I am SUPER spoiled because I have had a million u/s, but I still love to listen to their beats.

I have had a lot of new emotions this past week.  Fear, being the big one.  As excited as I am to meet my sons, I am SCARED.  I am SCARED to go into labor, and I am SCARED to have a CSEC.  I think this fear has crept in since my hospital scare and I had to stay the night.  I think the fear is also there because I have NO CONTROL of what will happen.  I will have to rely completely on doctors and nurses to make the best decisions for my babies and myself. 

Ultimately, I know God is in control.  I began praying for the right delivery for my boys and I, as well.  I pray that they would be in the right position for what ever delivery is best for the three of us.  And so far, they're still breech!  I think they've made up their minds!  I was hoping for a vaginal birth, but I'm okay as long as they are safe.

There is a site called Spinning Babies.  It helps breech or transverse babies flip.  There are techniques or exercises you can do, even with twins, that will help them to flip vertex.  I have been doing a couple of them.  But, so far they aren't budging...
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