Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm not that girl...

I'm not! I'm not one who is completely obsessed with having kids. I can go to a baby shower and be fine. I can listen to friend after friend tell me that she is pregnant, and be HAPPY for her. Do I want a baby? Yes! But it is not the complete and utter focus of my life. No, there is MUCH more to life than just being a mama. Will I be thrilled if I do become pregnant? ABSOLUTELY! I do want a baby belly. I think it is one of the most beautiful things. I think women are so lucky that we (or most of us) can carry a child... and yes... give birth!

However, for obvious reasons, my DH and I have discussed not having kids. The what if... and actually at this point, we would be okay... sad, but okay.

What would we do if we were not able to conceive? No, not adopt. That is not only for the infertile. It is not our obligation. We talked about doing the following:

-Save money and retire early
-Spend more time with our nieces and nephews
-Travel more
-Retire in an exotic location
-Be able to do what we want and when we want
-Create and keep up hobbies
-Get more involved in ministry/church
-Go on mission trips around the world (have already been to Thailand, Cambodia, and Mexico)

Maybe that isn't the ideal. We both LOVE family. But, we have to have a back up plan. Right? All I know is that God only gives us what we can handle. I have to remind myself of that often. I am praying for Gods will in our lives. I am praying not just for a baby, but I am praying that the Lord will bless us with a baby if it is in His will for our lives.

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